Monday, March 18, 2013

Roaming around town

One of my favorite days spent in Hong Kong was with a new travel friend. We ran into Charlotte in Xi'an and visited the Terracotta Warriors with her. It was a brilliant surprise when one night she rocked up to our hostel in Hong Kong.

Charlotte and I spent the next day exploring the city. We started with a ferry ride through the Harbour. It was a nice trip. We went on the Star Ferry - which is somewhat infamous in this part of the world. A round trip ferry ride set us back about $80HKD each (about $10AUD). you can find details for the ferry ride here.

We then ventured out to Stanly - a side-side town just east of Repulse Bay. If you are into shopping there are some terrific markets here, just be sure to barter and look around! there are many shops that sell the same items at very different prices. To get to Stanley we caught a cab - it was around 100HKD (about $12AUD) which is a little pricey - but when split between two people it makes for a great half day adventure!